Calendar November 3, 2018 07:03


A rare incidence of twinning in snapping turtle (Chelyandra serpentina (Linn)  is presented  for the second time.

Twinning in Turtles, Conjoint twins in turtle, Turtle biology
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Posted November 3, 2018 07:03

Calendar August 20, 2018 08:49

Research 1


Karyomorphology and the C-, G-banding pattern analyses of chromosomes of the microchiroptera Megaderma lyra lyra Geoflroy were done. The diploid number 54 with the chromosome formulae n = 14m +12sm+Ist/t and NF = 107 for male, n = 14m+12sm + 1st and NF = 108 for female with relative percentage length range from 5:23 ± 0.48 to 2.07 ± 0. 17 for autosomes, 5:08 ± 0.99 for the X and 0.05 ± 0.01 for the Y have been detected. Comparison of the karyotype and the banding patterns of chromosomes with that of the earlier reports on the same species collected from different geographical regions showed a considerable amount of differences in the fine structure of chromosomes, in the amount of heterochromatin and in the distribution pattern of G-bands; which might have occurred due to the variation among the different allopatric populations of the same species. Unlike that of other bats, the presence of very high amount of constitutive heterochromatin with a unique pattern of its distribution have been pointed out. The possible roles of pericentric inversion and addition of extraneous heterochromatin in the evolution of its karyotype and in speciation in the family Megadermatidae have been discussed.

Research 2


 In recent years there has been growing awareness of the need for positive conservation action for chelonians. Unfortunately, there are still major gaps in our knowledge of the ecology, distribution and status of many of the rarer and endangered species. This makes conservation planning more difficult. In India there is a great variety of Chelonian fauna - 22 species of freshwater turtles, 4 species of tortoises and 5 species of marine turtles. Among the freshwater turtles, the emydid turtles are dominating with 16 species than Trionychid turtles, which represent 6 species. Some Indian turtle species are endangered for clearly defined reasons, while others are feared to be in trouble because of their restricted ranges or habitat specialization. Efforts have to be made to formulate suitable action plan for conservation of turtles in India. All the recommendations made out of the recently concluded Indo-US project should be implemented immediately. The goal to get the right kind of support for turtle conservation is being achieved by creating awareness of the importance of turtle fishery among the public. If the people realize that turtle resources are managed primarily for a common benefit then only would they co-operate in conservation and rationally utilize the turtle resources.

Research 3


Karyotype and G-banding pattern of the Indian flying fox, pteropus giganteus giganteus reveal the diploid number (2n) of 38 with XX female and XY male having the chromosome formula of n = 16m+3 sm for female and n=16m+2 sm+1 sm/m for male . Morphological details of chromosomes apparently differ from those reported earlier for the species.

Research 4


 The male reproductive system of Haemonchus contortus consists of a single set of organs including along tubular testis, a dilated seminal vesicle and a glandular vas deferens are opening into the cloacal region, along with the rectum. The telegonic testis, consisting of a short apical germinal zone and a large growth zone, is bounded by a thin layer of epithelium. The seminal vesicle is set off from the testis by a marked change in its bounding epithelium which undergoes a pronounced increase in thickness and at its posterior end, it communicates with the vas deferens by a small obliquely placed tube. In its initial region, the vas deferens is bounded by a unique epithelium and subsequently, it becomes glandular in appearance. In the cloacal region, some accessory copulatory structures i.e. a pair of spicules and a single median gubernaculum are also associated with the male reproductive system.



Posted August 20, 2018 08:49

Calendar August 20, 2018 08:43

Research No-1


 One of the most important causes of exfoliation glaucoma is the exfoliation syndrome in which lysyl oxidase-like 1 (LOXL1) gene most-strongly associated with exfoliation glaucoma. The rs2165241 was located in intron 1 of LOXL1 gene and it is believed that rs2165241 could alter LOXL1splicing. The objective of this comprehensive study was the association of rs2165241 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in patients with exfoliation glaucoma and control individuals. Sixty unrelated exfoliation glaucoma (XFG) on the Iranian’s patients, as well as 40 control subjects were studied for a LOXL1 gene polymorphism (rs2165241) by using PCR sequencing. According to the results of this study, there is significant associations between TT genotype of rs2165241 SNP and XFG (P<0.0001); the T allele for rs2165241 was more frequent in patients compared to control subjects (P<0.0001), and C allele was a factor of the utmost importance in modifying XFG. Thereby, patients with TT as well as TC genotypes had a high potential for XFG disease. The clinical data in case and control group showed that IOP in left and right (p= 0.019 and p=0.032, respectively) was significantly correlated with XFG. Consequently, the findings of this research declared the good agreement between the relationship of rs2165241 SNP and XFG disease in Iranian’s patients.

Research No-2


 Uranium deposits have been found to occur in Dhor and Tikhi Ka Jhonpara in Jahazpur area of Bhilwara district. Atomic Mineral Directorate for Exploration and Research Department (Western region) is working there for mining of uranium. Phytosociological studies were carried out in those areas. It is interesting to note that Rhus mysoresis and Anogessius pendula have highest fidelity, constancy, sociability and cover-abundance values in Dhor and Tikhi Ka Jhonpara repectively. So these plant species might be "Characteristic species" in those areas.

Research No-3


 The success of induced mutagenesis technique using gamma rays in any crop or ornamental plants lies in the determination of optimum dose (LD50). The study aims to determine the optimum dose of gamma rays in Zinnia elegans var Dreamland and the effect of different doses of gamma radiation on the germination and survival rate, plant height and root length. The seeds were treated with 10Gy, 20Gy, 50Gy, 75Gy, 100Gy, 125Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy and 500Gy at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai using 60CO source. The results revealed that there was significant decline in the germination rate after 50Gy gamma radiation dose and no significant variation in the survival rate until 300Gy as compared to the control. The LD50 for % germination and %survival was found to be 155.98 and 250.78. The higher gamma ray doses significantly decreased the plant height and root length. 40% reduction in shoot length and root length was found to be 250 to 260 and 210 to 220.






Posted August 20, 2018 08:43

Calendar July 27, 2018 03:01


An illustrated account of four members of Chlorococcales is given. Of the four forms three are not only new to Jabalpur but are new records for India.

Very little is known about the Chlorococcales of Madhya Pradesh except Agarker (1953), Dikpoo and Agarker (1975), Shrivastav and Agarker (1974), Gupta and Nair (1962),  Sharma (1958),  Kulkarni (1978),  and Prasad (1961). But nothing is known about this group from Jabalpur except for a few casual references (Philipose, 1967).  With this end in view, a systematic study of the Chlorococcales of Jabalpur was taken up.  During the course of investigations as many as 77 species were collected. They are all new to this region and will be described in subsequent papers. However, three interesting species new to India and one rare one are being described.

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Posted July 27, 2018 03:01

Calendar July 27, 2018 02:58



The number and distribution of chromocentres have been studied in 9 varietal populations of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and their 6 F1 hybrids. The mean number and the distribution of chromocentres in the interphase nuclei were found to be characteristic for a population. The varietal populations differed significantly from each other in this heterochromatin phenotype, indicating different degree of heterochromatinization in them. In the F1 hybrids the number of chromocentres averaged midway between their parents. The population having a narrow range of distribution of chromocentres dominated over those having a wider range of the same. It has been concluded that the amount and the distribution of constitutive heterochromatin as inferred from the chromocentre counts, are genetically controlled in radish.

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Posted July 27, 2018 02:58

Calendar July 27, 2018 02:55


The proposed theory would integrate our understanding of meditative states and the transmigration of souls with some aspects of transpersonal psychology in a mathematical, physical and cognitive model.  This work compares the progression of conscious experience with a series of nodes in a multi-dimensional lattice.  Any event, such as a physical or emotional trauma,  or a discontinuous or fluctuating field at the quantal level, may give rise to an hiatus of conscious experience,  which may be overlooked or serve as a generational mechanism for profound organizational difficulties of an emotional and/or cognitive nature.

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Posted July 27, 2018 02:55

Calendar July 27, 2018 02:52


An attempt has been made to collect and to have knowledge of the medicinal value of Hydrocotyl asiatica (Beng Sag.). The whole palnt,  the leaf,  the stem and root has the medicinal value to cure the mental and physical disability. It is also used for the treatment of skin diseases and thus has a lot of potentialities for the medicinal uses.

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Posted July 27, 2018 02:52

Calendar July 26, 2018 08:40


In order to evaluate humoral immunity status in patients exposed to MIC gas on 3rd December 1984, the serum protein fraction (albumin, alpha-1, alpha-2, beta and gammaglobulins) and serum immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM were estimated in 37 patients and 70 healthy controls. Significant changes were observed in immunoglobulins IgG. IgA, albumin, alpha-2 globulins and betaglobulins.

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Posted July 26, 2018 08:40

Calendar July 26, 2018 08:37


The whole genome sequencing strategy revealed many features that were not known hitherto. The genome of archea bacteria was found to be mosaic of eubacteria and eukaryotes. Through in-silico research it was also elucidated that most of the pathogenic bacteria have hypervariable repeats in their pathogenicity genes. Surprisingly human genome contains just 30,000 genes!!!

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Posted July 26, 2018 08:37

Calendar July 26, 2018 08:34

As compared to the Pteridophyte group of plants of Eastern as well as Western Himalayas, this group of plants of Nepal, Central Himalaya have not yet been received due attention from evolutionary or phylogenetic point of veiw. 

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Posted July 26, 2018 08:34

Calendar July 26, 2018 08:31

Studies were carried out to evanuate the effect of various concentrations (25, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 ug/ml) of different aluminium species on the biochemical constituents during seedling growth of mustard. The aluminium species chosen were AICl3,Al(NO3)3, and Al2(SO4)3. The first observable effect on plant was a limitation in root growth. Higher concentrations (beyond 100 ug/ml) resulted in the death of plants while concentrations ranging from 25 to 100 ug/ml resulted in a decrease in chlorophyll contents but an increase in soluble proteins and total phenol contents. The toxicity series was found to be AICl3> Al2(SO4)3 >Al(NO3)3.
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Posted July 26, 2018 08:31

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:08


Apluda mutica L. infected with Puccinia apludaeshowed considerable increase in per-oxidase activity with increase in severity of disease. Lower activity of polyphenol oxidase with higher amount of total and 0-dihydroxy phenols was recorded in severely infected leaves. Increased protein and carbohydrate contents with low alpha-amylase activitiy were recorded in infected leaves.

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:08

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:05


Several immunodiagnostic tests had been tried for the detection of serum antibodies, in tubercular patients.  However, results were found to present insignificant reproducibility.  The more recent enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was employed in 215, clinically suspected tubercular cases along with 15,  healthy controls.  The assay was performed with and without 0.2 per cent BSA and the extent of cross reaction was assessed to establish the technique for serodiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. 

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:05

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:01

A new species of Gleotrichia agarkarii is described from ponds of Narsinghgarh (MP) India. This is characterized by the presence of a biconcave lens like hyaline bluish green cell (broader than longer) always present above the spore a feature never recorded so far in any of the cyanobacteria including the genus Gleotrichia.
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Posted July 25, 2018 03:01

Calendar July 25, 2018 02:58


The genus Saccogynidium irregularospinum C.H. Gao, T. Cao & M.J. Lai, has been reported for the first time from the state of Nagaland, North East India. The genus Saccogynidium Grolle is represented by a single species viz., S. irregularospinum which have been reported only from Eastern district of Sikkim, India. Therefore, the occurrence of this species shows new distributional range in the North East Sub-Himalayan region in general and Nagaland state in particular. Line drawing illustrations have been provided for easy identification.

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Posted July 25, 2018 02:58

Calendar July 24, 2018 02:47


Quantitative estimation of total soluble sugars, starch, proteins, amino acids,  phenols and phosphorus contents in entire plants of both the Rajasthan species of Selaginella (Srajasthanensis Gena et al. and Srepanda (Desv.) spring) have been carried out. Total soluble sugars, proteins,  phenols and free amino acids were quite abundant in S. repanda in comparison to S. rajasthanensis. Ecologically,  S. repanda is a species which withstands drier and harsher atmospheric conditions and the abundance of soluble sugars suggests some metabolic basis of its potential to continue growth during period of enhanced dryness as compared to S. rajasthanensis.  A higher level of phenols provides additional mechanism to S. repanda to withstand extremes of environmental conditions of Rajasthan specially drought resistance.

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Posted July 24, 2018 02:47

Calendar July 24, 2018 02:43

Growth performance of two varieties viz. "Kranti" and "Kalimunch" of rice (Oryza saliva L.) under different water regimes was studied. Height of the plant, number of tillers per plant, number of leaves per plant, root length, fresh weight of aerial plant part and root part and dry weight of root decreased in both the varieties supplied with water one day after draniage of ponded water.

Chlorophyll contents in leaves decreased in "Kranti" plants supplied with water one day after the drainage of flooded water. Survival of plants is considerably reduced in restricted water supply conditions in both the varieties. Available nitrogen content in soil is more in plots with restricted water supply than the plots maintained with plants in continuous submerged condition. This may be due to reduced uptake of nitrogen in plants raised on plots with limited water supply. However, this requires further sub-stantiation.

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Posted July 24, 2018 02:43

Calendar July 24, 2018 02:38


For the first time a phytoplanktonic survey of Narmada river at the point of its origin in Amerkanatak, Madhya Pradesh was conducted. In all 68 species of planktonic algae were recorded. Out of which 40 species were chlorophyceae, 12 specise were bacillariophyceae, 10 species were euglenophycease and 6 species were cyanophyceae.

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Posted July 24, 2018 02:38

Calendar July 24, 2018 02:34


Common mosaic is the most destructive disease of pumpkin in West Bengal, causing a considerable amount of damage to crops. Experiments were conducted on the natural incidence of pumpkin mosaic and their management under the agro-ecological condition of the lateritic zone of West Bengal during the season of 2015-2016.An incidence range of 16.85% -61.16% common mosaic and a range of 8.25% - 18.10% incidence of yellow vein mosaic were observed according to the location and variety. The impact of a standard mosaic of pumpkin was found to be significantly influenced by changing the date of sowing. Late sowing of crop significantly reduced the disease and reached at the minimum level of 29.60% in the field which was sown after 30 days late of the scheduled time of sowing i.e. the second week of November.

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Posted July 24, 2018 02:34

Calendar July 23, 2018 05:14


Response of Sorghum bicolor L. Moench C.S.V. 10 seedlings to different concentrations of sodium fluoride was studied.  Characterization and quantification of certain growth characteristics of sodium flouride treated plants indicated decreased fresh weight, dry matter accumulation, shoot and root growth.  Though low concentration (0.1mM) of sodium fluoride was found to be optimum for the shoot growth of the seedling as compared with those of the control. Reduction in chlorophyll was also prominent at higher concentrations of sodium fluoride.

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Posted July 23, 2018 05:14