Calendar July 13, 2018 05:06


A highly inbred colony of mice (Balb/cj) from Jackson laboratories, USA was raised to produce H-Y antibodies. A control outbred colony of mice (Swiss) was maintained to study the effect of H-Y and H-2 antibodies onsex ratio, reproductive performance, litter size and fetal wastage. A significant (P ≤ 0.01) sex ratio was found in the inbred control group. 

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Posted July 13, 2018 05:06

Calendar July 13, 2018 05:01


Paper presents the first hand observations on the stomatal structure in relation to the ageing of leaves of Calotropis procera (Ait) Br. (Asclepiadaceae).

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Posted July 13, 2018 05:01

Calendar July 13, 2018 04:58


Seven gcnotypcs of exotic and local tomatoes were evaluated for late short growing season in a tropical derived savanna, under rainfed conditions.

Roma VF, Rossol VFN and Nsukka local appeared most adapted in overall vegetative growth and development. Percentage fruit-set was best with Rossol VFN and Roma VF while overall fruit yield was best with Nsukka local, Rossol VFN, Roma and Ibadan local, in that order. 

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Posted July 13, 2018 04:58

Calendar July 13, 2018 04:53

J. B. S. Haldane (1892-1964) was a scientist with widespread interest in physiology, biochemistry and genetics. And he was one of the founding fathers of modern human genetics. Three aspects of his work will mainly be discussed:

1)  He was the first to estimate human mutation rates.

2)  Much of his work was centered around natural selection. Among other basic concepts, be brought forward the hypotehsis that the genetic constitution of present-day human populations has been shaped by selective advantages and disadvantages in relation to infectious diseases of the past.

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Posted July 13, 2018 04:53

Calendar July 12, 2018 02:53

The mustard aphid,  Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.), is a serious pest of Brassica crops in India. The leaf surface treatment of chitin synthesis inhibitor, Diflubenzuron (400 ppm) given to its 2nd instar nymphs (48-52h old) for three time intervals 13, 25, 37h,  induced alterations in its enzymatic activity profile.

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Posted July 12, 2018 02:53

Calendar July 12, 2018 02:45


There were 24 breeds of dog with predisposition for one or more of the 24 types of tumours involved. 

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Posted July 12, 2018 02:45

Calendar July 11, 2018 03:43


Two species of Vaucheria have been reported from Kerala state . The species V. borealis Hirn is considered as new to India .

 Keywords :Vaucheria, systematic Descriptions, Kerala.

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Posted July 11, 2018 03:43

Calendar July 11, 2018 03:40


The family Zygnemaceae (Meneghini, 1838) is characterized by simple or branched filaments, symmetrical cells, elaborate chloroplasts and amoeboid gametes. Transeau (1951), Randhawa (1959) and Kadlubowska (1972) have described 13 genera in their monographs including a questionable genus Entransia Hughes. Later on, Ahmad and Goldstein (1971, 1972) have added another member Lloydiina Ahmad and Goldstein to Zygnemiaceae. Recently, we have described elsewhere two new members Sangirellum and Trigonum (both unpublished) with band shaped or girdle-shaped parietal chloroplast and with rounded triangular to polster form triangular, axile chloroplast respectively. So the family includes altogether 16 genera which are separable from one another by their structure of the chloroplasts. But many notable phycologists (Yamagishi, 1963; Bourrelly, 1966) placed Hallasia Rosen vinge in synonomy with Zygnemopsis and thus Zygnemaceae includes 15 genera only.

 Keywords :Affinities,  Evolution,  Taxonomy,  Zygnemaceae.

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Posted July 11, 2018 03:40

Calendar July 11, 2018 03:35


A sequence of evolution of nucleic acids, protoulls,  cells and chromosome organization has been briefly presented to emphasize that variability is inherent as a biological component since the beginnings. Chromosonal evolution is no exception.

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Posted July 11, 2018 03:35

Calendar July 11, 2018 03:32


A Brief review is presented on the basic of results of molecular phytogenetic studies on early evolution of life,  particularly on he origin of eukaryotes.

Keywords :Evolution of eukaryotes.  Molecular phylogenetics  Protein sequence data.

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Posted July 11, 2018 03:32

Calendar July 10, 2018 03:32


The Lower Lake of Bhopal is heavily polluted water body.  An assessment of the impact of pollution on fish health was made. Besides the occurrence of other diseases, only one case of fibroma was recorded in Heteropneustes fossilis. Two tumours were located one on either mid-lateral side at the base of the caudal fin,  approximately opposite to each other.  Each of the tumours measured about 1.3 cm in length and 1.1 cm in girth.  Histologically these tumours were composed of connective tissue which has given rise to a large number of whorl-like structures. On the basis of their origin from the mesenchymal connective tissue, the tumours are identified as fibromas. They were non-malignant.

Keywords :Fibroma in fish, Heteropneustes fossilis, Tumour histology.

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Posted July 10, 2018 03:32

Calendar July 10, 2018 03:22


360 male workers who were employed in the cement factory and engaged in the various units of the cement plant like the raw material operation unit, rotary kiln unit, coal mills, storage silos and packing unit were selected for the present study (exposed group).  A detailed reproductive epidemiology of their wives was collected using a standard questionnaire in order to evaluate the possible mutagenic effects in male workers.  Data was also recorded from 330 individuals who were not exposed to cement dust (control group).  Smokers and non-smokers were categorised in either groups.  The results showed a significant increase in the frequency of abortions, still births, neonatal deaths, congenital defects and premature births in the exposed group when compared to the control group.

Keywords :Cement dust,  reproductive epidemiology.

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Posted July 10, 2018 03:22

Calendar July 10, 2018 03:16


Sister chromatid exchanges were studied in 11 breast cancer patients (2 stage III, 4 stage IV and 5 stage II) and 6 healthy women as controls.  An apparent increase in the average rate of SCE/cell was observed in Breast Cancer patients.

Keywords :SCE frequency ; Breast Cancer.

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Posted July 10, 2018 03:16

Calendar July 9, 2018 02:07


 Karyotypes of two species of the North and South Indian squirrels have been presented. Funambulus pennanti pennanti (North India) possesses 2n=54, while Funambulus palmarum palmarum (South India) carries 2n=46.

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Posted July 9, 2018 02:07

Calendar July 9, 2018 02:01


 The Indian Statistical Institute was founded by the late Professor  Prasanta-chandra Mahalanobis in 1931, following the statistical studies and researches started in the Statistical Laboratory set up by him in the Presidency  College, Calcutta. The main foci of research and teaching in the institute ,  in respect of which it differs , qualitatively from the Statistics Departments of most Universities and other in-stitutions in India,  has been (a)  researches in various natural and social sciences for the  mutual development of statistics and these  sciences ;  and (b) application of science to problems of national development and social welfare.  In recognition of its varied  contributions of which the  “Mahalanobis distance “  statistic , the national Sample Survey,   discovery of dinosaur fossils and, of course , numerous important works in theoretical statistics, mathematics and other subjects are but a few examples, the Institute was declared an “institution of national importance “  by an act of the Indian parliament in 1959.

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Posted July 9, 2018 02:01

Calendar July 5, 2018 06:45


 Among unicellular and colonial Cyanobacteria the family Merismopediaceae is characterized by having solitary cells or one layered flat or spherical or irregular colonies with or without central mucilaginous stands or stalks. Cells characteristically, divide in two planes and they are at right angle to each other. Further, daughter cells reach to original size and shape before next division takes place. At the global level, there are about 15 genera and 190 species in the family. The well established genera of the family are Synechocystis, Aphanocapsa, Merismopedia, Coelosphaerium and Gomphosphaeria. The genus Microcrocis appears to be quite distinct in having elongated cells, and longer axis perpendicular to the plane of the colony but is of rare occurrence. Validity of certain other genera remains doubtful and need critical culture studies. The genera like Pannus, Mantellum, Cyanotetras, Coccopedia of sub-family Merismopedioideae appear to be the stages of Merismopedia or Coelosphaerium. Certain other genera like Coelomoron, Coelosphaeriopsis, Snowella, Woronichinia and Siphonosphaera of sub-family Gomphosphaerioideae may also be the growth stages of Coelosphaerium or Gomphosphaeria.


Keywords :

Taxonomy, morphology, Merismopediaceae, Chroococcales, Cyanoprokaryo

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Posted July 5, 2018 06:45

Calendar July 5, 2018 05:08


 Aim: Cystic echinococcosis, a zoonotic infection, is caused by metacestod formation of the Echinococcus granulosus, and it causes major economical loses and health disorders. This study was carried out to determine the sensitivities of ELISA test in order to serologic diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis in experimentally infected sheep.

Materials and Methods: A total of 20 Akkaraman sheep (4-5 months) were subjected in this study as 10 for control and another 10 for experimental group. A total of 15.000 live protoscoleces collected from liver with hydatid cyst were administered into a dog via oral route, and at the end of two months, maturated E. granulosus was collected from intestinal lumen. Approximately 2000 eggs were administered into each sheep in the experiment group. Sheep had been observed for 12 months. During this period, all the sheep were checked by using ELISA for parasite specific antibodies.

Results: ELISA test used with partially purified cyst fluid antigen had shown 57% sensitivity and 67% specifity when compared to necropsy. Antibody responses in sheep during 12 months were shown different peaks in different times. The foremost antibody response was determined in two weeks after inoculation. No antibody response was determined in calcified cysts.

Conclusion: It may be stated that ELISA test are more reliable for the diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis, and necropsy findings can be used as reference for determination of sensitivity and specifity of serology.


Keywords :

ELISA, cystic hydatidosis, sheep.

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Posted July 5, 2018 05:08

Calendar January 8, 2018 07:40

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Posted January 8, 2018 07:40