Calendar July 18, 2018 03:30


The  Fand F3 populations each of two  ‘desi’  X  ‘gulabi’ crosses, viz.JG-1260  X JG-4 and JG4 X PRR-1 along their ‘gulabi’ (JG-4) and ‘desi’ (JG-1260  and PRR-1) parents were studied at the Research station of J.N Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,  Jabalpur ,during  1981-82. Highly significant differences were seen for days of flowering,  maturity and plant height in both crosses, for pods per plant, seeds per plant and 100-seed weight in JG-4 X PRR-1 and for number of secondary  branches only in JG-1260  X  JG-4.  The genotype variance  was found to be predominant for days to flowering and maturity JG-4 X PRR-1.  The major portion of genotypic  variance was found additive in nature for days to flowering in both crosses,  for plant height (JG-1260  X  JG-4),  number of seeds,  pods per plant and 100-seed weight in JG-4 X PRR-1.


Keywords : Pink gram breeding, Cicer arietinum crosses. Hybrid vigour in Cicer arietinum.

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Posted July 18, 2018 03:30

Calendar July 18, 2018 03:28


The present paper deals with the preliminary observations on the flora of dilapidated walls of Gwalior Fort.  In all 23 wall sites have been examined.  Total of 84 species with 78.5% herbs, 16.7% shrubs and 4.8% trees have been enumerated.


Keywords : Flora. Dilapidated walls. Gwalior Fort.

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Posted July 18, 2018 03:28

Calendar July 17, 2018 06:25


The present study based on 102 Jat and 48 Jatav married women reveals that the Jat community has a distinctly higher fertility than Jatavs despite the fact that both communities have essential know how of prevalent family planning measures. Socio-economic status of the couple is inversely proportional to some extent, with the fertility of women. Greater stress on family planning measures are suggested for all communities in rural areas.

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Posted July 17, 2018 06:25

Calendar July 17, 2018 06:22

Occurrence of high frequency of malignancy among the residents of this cotton growing region of Punjab and the presence of arsenic in the soil have necessitated the assessment of its genotoxic potential. This study has been carried out to test the genotoxicity of the soils from three sites, i.e. tube-well irrigated field, canal irrigated field and non-irrigated area, of Jajjal village of Talwandi Sabo Block of Punjab (India) using Allium assay. Bulblets (cloves) of Allium sativum were treated with 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100% W/V of the soil extracts for 48h and tap water was used for control. In the chromosome aberration assay, root tip cells of Allium sativum were scored for the presence of various mitotic abnormalities. Bridges and fragments were scored as indicators of clastogenicity and laggards or vagrant chromosomes were indicators of spindle poisoning. Tubewell irrigated soils were observed to be more genotoxic than the other soil samples.

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Posted July 17, 2018 06:22

Calendar July 17, 2018 06:19

Sex chromatin studies were carried out on 70 primary amenorrhea cases. Out of 70 cases, 50 are sex chromatin positive (+ve), 6 cases are sex chromatin negative (-ve) and 1 case is with double positive (++ve).

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Posted July 17, 2018 06:19

Calendar July 17, 2018 06:16


Levels of selenium (Se) in blood and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in the red blood cells were measured in two different populations of Australian Aborigines and three populations of Caucasians. Both values were significantly different among different groups.  No sex differences were present in either Še or GSH-Px levels. Also,  there was no correlation between Seland GSH-Px levels as is usually found in many animal species.

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Posted July 17, 2018 06:16

Calendar July 17, 2018 06:13

Two species of Vaucheria have been reported from Kerala state . The species V. borealis Hirn is considered as new to India .
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Posted July 17, 2018 06:13

Calendar July 17, 2018 06:10


The investigations were carried out to determine energy utilization efficiency (Eu) in ten barley genotypes planted at a roW distances of 15 cms, 20 cms, 25 cms and 30 cms, respectively. Genotype DL-157 had an overall average maximum (1.56%) Eu,  followed by RD-57 (1.45%).  RD-137 exhibited very less (1.10%) Eu but yielded comparatively higher which is attributed to its higher energy utilization in the development of ear. Among row-spacings 20 cm showed significantly higher Eu and also yielded highest due to its efficient canopy architecture. Treatment combinations V3 S2, V3 S1 and V1 S2 utilized the maximum amount of solar energy resulted in higher dry matter (Dm) production and grain yields.

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Posted July 17, 2018 06:10

Calendar July 16, 2018 04:15

Cluster analysis was done through four methods: Single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage and weighted average linkage in order to determine the relationshipe of algal communities found to occur in fifteen localities of Madhya Pradesh occurring in some selected soil types. The localities have been divided into three categories cultivated, uncultivaked and garden soils of Gwalior, Bhopal, Rewa, Jabalpur and Pachmarhi. It has been found that soil algal communities are dependent upon the nature of soil.

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Posted July 16, 2018 04:15

Calendar July 16, 2018 04:07


Marker dots (MD) have been observed as extrachromatin bodies ranging from 1 to 2.5u in diam. in those cells which possessed some or the other chromosomal aberration. These dots have been observed to detach from chromosomes at any place and are also partly C-positive. G-banded metaphases have shown them to be present in the vicinity of chromosomes.

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Posted July 16, 2018 04:07

Calendar July 16, 2018 04:04


Geological, ecological and evolutionary factors have resulted in patchy habitats, creating disjunct distribution and endemism in fern biodiversity. With the creation of new habitats by manmade activities, these plants are now subject to survival by selection and adaption. The site of study, Mangalore is a city on the threshold of transition from a sleepy coastal town to a smartcity. It is located in the foothills of the central part of the Western Ghats. The fern flora of the region was studied.

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Posted July 16, 2018 04:04

Calendar July 16, 2018 04:02

Forty-six pedigrees involving 341 consanguineous marriages with 1618 children were collected from a Nadar village of Madurai district, Tamilnadu and their coefficient of inbreeding was computed. Seventeen mating types with high incidence of patri-lateral cross-cousin marriages were observed.

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Posted July 16, 2018 04:02

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:58

Preliminary Surveys revealed that Poecilia reticulata (Guppy fishes) were very effective to check mosquito breeding in open drainages of Guwahati metropolis.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:58

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:55


Three each of Hampshire and cross bred boar (Hampshire X Khasi local) have been taken for this study. Immediately after collection of semen, dilution was made (1:3) in BTS extender added with ascorbic acid as antioxidant and stored at 24°C and evaluated for Hypo-Osmotic sperm swelling (HOSST) for every stipulated hours viz

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:55

Calendar July 14, 2018 06:38


Effect of temperature and red light interaction on spore germination of Ceratopteris thalictroides (L) Brong, Pteris vittata Linn and Tectaria codonata(Fee) C.Chr. occurring in Rajasthan has been investigated. It has been found that temperature enhancement upto a certain limit decreases the red light requirement of spore germination in these ferns. Spore germination has been found to be higher at 30°C temperature in comparison to the values recorded at 25°C temperature.

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Posted July 14, 2018 06:38

Calendar July 14, 2018 06:33

Karyological investigations were carried out on seven scarab species viz., Aphodius moestus F. and Aphodius sp., belonging to subfamily Aphodiinae and Onitis falcatus Wulf, O. subopacus Arrow, Oniticellus pallipes (F), O. pallens Ol. and Onthophagus quadridentatus F.  belonging to subfamily Coprinae.  All the species possess modal polyphagan karyotype 2n = 20 (9AA+XΥp). The mean chiasma frequency per nucleus was maximum (18.0) in O. 

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Posted July 14, 2018 06:33

Calendar July 14, 2018 06:23


The weights of certain skull bones (mandible, maxilla, frontal, parietal, temporal, zygomatic and palatine) giving attachment to muscles of mastication have been studied in six young dogs. The weights are unequal on the two sides. On the basis of difference between the right and left total bone weights, and the number of individual bones heavier on a particular side, one side can be said to be dominant in four out of six animals studied. The left side is far more frequently dominant than the right side. 

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Posted July 14, 2018 06:23

Calendar July 14, 2018 06:21


A field survey to study the prevalence of root knot nematode infection in vegetable crops was conducted in five districts of Chhattisgarh from December 2006 to November 2007.  Soil and root samples from 42 farmlands belonging to 28 villages were collected using standard methods along with information on factors affecting root knot nematodes, such as, topographical features, soil texture and methods of irrigation and control. Isolation of the nematodes from the soil and root samples was done using Cobb’s Sieving and decanting method and modified Baermann funnel technique. Identification of nematodes was done microscopically by examination of perineal patterns of females. Population density of nematodes was determined per 10 gram of root sample and 200cc of soil sample. 

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Posted July 14, 2018 06:21

Calendar July 14, 2018 06:17

Two taxa of Oegogonium and eight taxa of Oedocladium occurring in terrestrial habitates in Madhya Pradesh are being reported. Of them 05 taxa of Oedocladium namely O. albemarlenseO. lewisiiO. medium, O. tiffanyanum and O. wettsteinii are new records for India and apart from these new records of Oedocladium taxa: Oedogonium randhawae is also new record for Madhya Prasdesh.
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Posted July 14, 2018 06:17

Calendar July 14, 2018 06:13


Alkaloid contents of leaf, flower and seed samples of Trichodesma indicum were extracted using five different methods. Harborne’s method produced maximum amount of alkaloid residues from leaf, flower and seed samples.

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Posted July 14, 2018 06:13